Premium Sinicuichi Leaves (Heimia salicifolia)

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Premium Sinicuichi Leaves (Heimia salicifolia)

Premium Sinicuichi Leaves (Heimia salicifolia)
Premium Sinicuichi Leaves (Heimia salicifolia)

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Premium Sinicuichi Leaves (Heimia salicifolia)

Model Number: 2975808
Missing Option: weight
  • 15 Grams $0.87 per gram
  • 30 Grams $0.67 per gram
  • 60 Grams $0.65 per gram
  • 120 Grams $0.62 per gram
  • 250 Grams $0.56 per gram
  • 500 Grams $0.40 per gram
  • 750 Grams $0.33 per gram
  • 1000 Grams $0.32 per gram
  • 2000 Grams $0.27 per gram
  • 3000 Grams $0.26 per gram
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Your Price: $12.99
A one-time price of $12.99 will be added to your order.
Manufacturer: Dragon Bite Store
  • Description

Sinicuichi (or Sun Opener) by the Aztecs and is still used by Mexican shamans as a trance divination catalyst. They regard it as a sacred herb, enabling vivid recall of past distant events. Some users even report the remembrance of pre-birth events!

Often causes a yellowing of the vision and altered acoustic perception. May induce feelings of calmness and unity. Slows heartbeat, relaxes muscles, reduces blood pressure.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.

*Note: All packages over 60 grams require special shipping, and can take more than a business day to ship.

**Note: All packages over 60 grams require live signature at destination.