Maeng Da Kratom is touted as the strongest variety of Kratom available today with a potent mix of mood and energy enhancing effects. It makes for an excellent energy booster when taken in the morning and can help you get motivated and feel more clear-headed all day long. Many experienced Kratom users will tell you that this is the highest quality grade available, with more activity than the average leaf. Some new users may find it to be too stimulating and may prefer to blend it with other strains to balance out the effects. Maeng Da Kratom come from Thailand originally where this leaf was named after the giant water bug known as Lethocerus Indicus which is a delicacy in the local diet. The phrase “Maeng Da” is also slang for “pimp” in the Thai dialect which is why you will sometimes see Maeng Da Kratom marketed as Pimp Grade.
Maeng Da Kratom
Maeng Da is a genetically engineered derivative of the Thai Kratom tree, noted for having higher alkaloid content than its archetypal strain. This Mitragyna speciosa plant is said to exhibit greater stability in its growth process and to be less susceptible to changes in the environment and seasonal fluctuations. Maeng Da Kratom leaves are distinguished as having a darker color which translates to a much greener color in the crushed leaves or ground powder. While there have been limited formal studies on the subject, it is reported that Maeng Da contains more of the mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitraphylline active compounds than other varieties.
Maeng Da Kratom Effects
Some people find Maeng Da to be significantly stronger than typical Kratom leaves while others may only notice modest differences or no change at all. When consumed in small to mid-size dosages, Maeng Da is very stimulating in nature and can make you feel more awake, alert, and vigilant. It is one of the more cerebral strains of Kratom available with effects that are often compared to using Nootropics or cognitive enhancers. Many user Maeng Da reviews say that it helps them to pay attention and concentrate better while seeming to be able to process more information in their brain with less effort. It can help you to increase your productivity and experience less fatigue when working, studying or engaging in other mentally draining exercises.
Maeng Da Kratom also has an unquestionable effect on mood enhancement, making you feel anything from a general sense of contentment to full-on euphoria. Reviews say that this plant puts them into a positive mental state, increases enjoyment of daily activity and can make you a more enthusiastic person. Some people will take it for anti-depressant purposes or to boost their mental drive and ambition. There are also individuals who take it to uplift their mood and stamina when doing physically exhausting or repetitive work.
You will normally hear Maeng Da Kratom described as an energizing strain, but it is also known to produce sedative effects. Like other types of Kratom leaf, if you consume it in larger amounts the effects change and it actually becomes quite relaxing. Maeng Da is one of the strongest analgesics in the Mitragyna speciosa family and it is favored by users who are looking for an alternative to opioids. There are many documented cases of people taking Maeng Da to manage pain symptoms and online reviews say that it provides extraordinarily effective pain relief. Appropriately, this strain of “Pimp Kratom” is also used as an aphrodisiac and sexual performance enhancer to prolong intercourse.
Dosing & Usage Instructions
Because of the higher concentration of active Kratom alkaloids, you will need about 20% less Maeng Da compared to other strains in order to feel the full effects. The recommended minimum dosage for leaves like Red Bali or Premium Indo is 5 grams, but you will only need about 4 grams of Maeng Da Kratom to see positive results. The threshold dosage (which represents the smallest amount you can take and still notice effects) is said to be as little as 2 grams. Taking more than 10 grams will more likely than not start to produce sedative effects and can make you feel comforted, sleepy, and lessen any pain symptoms. Maeng Da powders can also last longer in your system with a duration of as much as 8 hours. When looking to buy Maeng Da Kratom online, search for vendors that provide very finely ground fresh powder to ensure maximum absorption of the active alkaloids into your system.
Maeng Da Kratom Side Effects
While the heightened potency of Maeng Da Kratom can contribute to enhanced benefits for some users, in some cases it can also increase the prevalence of side effects. Several user reviews have said that the energy provided by Maeng Da can make them feel jittery, anxious or irritated like a large dose of caffeine. Individuals who are looking to use Kratom to treat anxiety, stress or to help them release tension will most likely see better results with a Red Vein strain of Kratom like Bali, Thai or Borneo. One user stated that the euphoria and intense pleasure associated with Maeng Da can also build into dizziness and a lack of mental clarity if taking too much at once. Other Kratom side effects like nausea, stomach discomfort, lethargy, lightheadedness, sleeplessness and respiratory depression may come on stronger depending on your sensitivity level. If you decide to try Maeng Da Kratom, start with a half dose or smaller to get used to the effects and record any side effects.